2nd Day – Movie Night

- Tuesday September 17th, 2024 at 7-10 PM
- Austin Film Society Cinema (6259 Middle Fiskville Rd, Austin, TX 78752)
- Free to attend, but RSVP required here
- In memory of Guatemalan filmaker Julio Apopa (deceased in 2024)

- Country: El Salvador
- Director Álvaro J. Martínez.
- Produced by Clak Films
Written by salvadoran actress Cristina Meléndez, this fiction short film aproaches the possibility of a near future of human disconection, despite of new technologies.
The film tells the story of Camila and Fernando, protagonized by Cristina Meléndez and Henry Urbina, that find themselves living more connected to what happen inside of their phones than to their real life friends and family.
A new film that has won the best microfilm of the Independent Show Awards of Miami and has been selected for the Chicago Cinema Awards and the Crown Point International Film Festival. Cristina Meléndez has been nominated as best actress.

Ramaj Tzijonik (Time to speak up)
- Country: Guatemala
- Director: Julio Apopa
“Ramaj Tzijonk” means “tiempo de hablar” in Spanish is the story of a young girl from an indigenous family being raised by her grand mother. She starts noticing a pattern of abuse from his grand father towards her grand mother and she starts to questioning if that should be normal.
Centroamericanto Fest shows this film as a posthumous homage to director Julio Apopa, who past away this year in Guatemala and left a legacy of several movies about his culture. He made a number of productions at a national and international level, he was the owner of CBK PRODUCCIONES, a renowned cinema and advertising video production agency.

El Sentido de Las Cuerdas
- Documentary
- Country: El Salvador
- Director: Marcela Zamora
- Production: Ingrid Stalling
The documentary shows three salvadoran musicians preparing for their upcoming first ever European tour. They are not just any musicians, they met each other during their time spent in a juvenile jail where they joined the music class to learn how to play classical string instruments. The girls explain how they overcame hard conditions of abuse and gang violence using music not only as an escape but also as a way to start a new life.
A film by the renown salvadoran documentalist Marcela Zamora who has produced several eye-opening documentaries that has gained her international reputation.